On June 3rd we were able to gather together, safely spaced outside, for a brief meeting to vote for the officers for the upcoming school year. The nominating committee had put together a slate, there were no other nominations from the floor, and so the suggestions were voted on. By unanimous vote, your upcoming officers are Amie Vanmorlan for president, Sara Rivera for vice president, Erin Keith for secretary, and Lisa Hand for treasurer. Also voted on was a motion to table the budget discussion until the 2020-21 year so that we could have a better idea of what that year would look like.

Michelle has been our president since we began two years ago, but I’m sure she’ll be sticking around to head up a committee or two (consider yourself volunteered, Michelle. 😉 ) But we’re still in familiar hands – Amie has been our vice president, Sara was our secretary last year, and Erin (yours truly) has been running the website – so you’ll still be able to look forward to those long wrap-up posts after the meeting. We’re excited to have Lisa joining the officers this year.
As with most things right now, we’re not sure what our meetings will look like this coming year. We’re tentatively hoping to start up in August for a more laid-back/social meeting, and then September for our typical meeting, but of course all of that will depend on the state of things with Covid. We know we have quite a few families with additional medical concerns and we want everyone to be as safe as possible. To that end, we’ve decided to delay our Walk. We’re looking into ideas for a different FUNdraiser. If you have any, don’t hesitate to let us know. Send us an e-mail at comosepta@gmail.com with any thoughts. Otherwise, keep watching here and we’ll keep you posted on things!