Hello members! We hope all of you are doing well as can be expected as we head into this unusual school year.

With these unusual times, our board – under guidance of MO PTA – met to vote on an addendum to our bylaws that would allow for voting to be done virtually. This way we can vote in Zoom meetings and the like and continue to stay safe. All board members voted unanimously to pass this measure.

While gathered, the proposed budget was also reviewed and unanimously approved, and agenda items for our next meeting were discussed.

If you’d like to join in our next meeting, it’s this Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 on Zoom. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73954320387?pwd=aVFEU2prOCtSVm10OC9WU050NUJNZz09
Meeting ID: 739 5432 0387Passcode: 79TuEN