Hello everyone, we’re glad you could join us for the fourth day of Camp Kind! We’re halfway through, so it’s the perfect time to stop and reflect on how to Be Kind to Yourself. If you missed previous days, you can click Day 1 to celebrate teachers, head to Day 2‘s animal activities, or show love to friends on Day 3. We’ll list out a few ideas on being kind to yourself below, but we know there are other ways too. If you’ve got an idea of how to show yourself kindness, definitely do that! Share on social media using #comocampkind so that we can see your amazing ideas. You can tag us @comosepta on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And if you’re following along with CPS Spirit Week, you can absolutely do these activities while sporting the jersey of a favorite team or player that YOU like!
Craft Corner – “Found Art” Names

For today, we’ll be making “found art” of our names (or just your first initial if you’d rather.) You can use outdoor things, like in our word “KiND” pictured above, or indoor things. You can use them as they are, like the tree branch growing like a “K”, or you can arrange them, like we did with the sticks to make an “N”. Then you just take a picture of each letter and tada! Artwork of your name, made by you, for you.
Activity – Yoga

Our friend Molly M. and her girls helped out with our activity for today. Here’s what she had to say: “It’s so important to be kind to ourselves. Often we talk about being kind to other people or animals which is so, so good but we have to remember to be kind to ourselves. You matter. You are important.
One way to be kind to your self is to move your body. Another way to be kind to yourself is to say really kind things to yourself. Let’s join movement and kind words. As you do the pose, say the phrase loud and proud. Remember you are brave, kind, strong, friendly and wise.”

They sure look fantastic in these poses. We’d love to see you following along too, as you take a mindful moment to focus on being kind to yourself. 🙂
Food Fix – DIY Trail Mix

And we’ll wrap up today’s ideas with a snack that’s just perfect for customizing to what YOU like best! This do-it-yourself trail mix means that you get to choose which things go in your mix.. and which you’ll leave out.
Here’s some ideas of things to put in:
Dried fruit/raisins
Chocolate Chips
Goldfish crackers
Corn chips
M&M’s/Reece’s Pieces
Sunflower seeds
Fruit snacks
Select your favorites (or just whatever’s on hand), mix it up, and enjoy your very own trail mix combination!