attendees at the 9/18/18 meeting
Well, our first informational meeting went smoothly. It was wonderful to see all who turned out, and a lot of good information was given. A reporter from KBIA was on hand during the meeting; you can read her article here: CoMO SEPTA Hosts Presentation

The evening began with a quick meeting. The Treasurer’s Report was given, then our Vice President Amie went over the various committees and put out sign up sheets. If you’re interested in serving on a committee, let us know! E-mail us at We’re looking for people who are interested in serving on the Social Committee, Fundraising Committee, Advocacy Committee, Resource Fair Committee, and Building Liaison Committee. If any (or all!) of those interest you, or you’d like more details, reach out to us. We’d love to have your help!

The floor was then opened to announcements. MoDE told about their next meeting Oct. 9, 6pm, at the library. They also got to tell the exciting news of their RestroomMap initiative going nation-wide. PedNet let us know of their Giving Rides program which allows people who aren’t able to ride a bike by themselves to go for a bike ride with the help of a volunteer piloting their specialized Duet bike. CoMO SEPTA had several announcements of our own. Our next meeting is Oct. 16, 6pm, at New Haven and aims to help families & schools work together. On Oct. 23, swing by Culver’s  for our Scoopie Night and a portion of the proceeds will go towards CoMO SEPTA. And, coming very soon, t-shirts! These shirts are all about spreading a message of kindness and inclusion, and will help us reach our goals of supporting our students and those who work hard for them. Be watching for more details coming SOON, but here’s a sneak peek for now.
T-shirt sneak peek
Next, we were treated to a presentation by Brook Fuller of MPACT. She spoke on the nitty gritty of the IEP process. A lot of good information was gathered from her presentation and she was helpful when answering the questions put forth by the attendees. Alyse Monsees, Director of Special Services, was on hand to help out with any district-specific issues that were raised, which was appreciated as well. I was very happy to see that even with a topic as personal and possibly emotional as IEPs can be the mood wasn’t adversarial at all. After the presentation, we were able to have a brief time for socializing as well. That may honestly be one of my favorite parts of the meetings – the social time at the end. If you weren’t able to make this month (or even if you were), mark next month on your calendars now. It’s sure to be a fun & informative time. We hope to see you there!