Party in a Box is a program CoMO SEPTA started to make it easier for our district classrooms to have holiday parties as well. Each box comes loaded with the sorts of things “room parents” may handle in gen ed rooms – decorations, snacks, and activities that ensure a fun time for the students. I don’t think we can properly say just how appreciated these boxes are by the staff and students.

These party boxes are delivered to our district classrooms three times a year – fall/harvest, winter holiday, and spring/Valentines – filled with goodies that match the theme. These beloved boxes do require some behind-the-scenes work. If you’d like to help out, whether it be with brainstorming ideas or assembling the festivity that we load into these boxes, we’d love to have your help! You can reach out to us at and let us know you’d like to help with the Party in a Box program.