Whew, it’s been a fun and productive past few weeks around here! Let’s show off what we’ve been up to, and give a bit of reminder of what’s coming next..

At the end of October, Battle Elementary invited us to provide a sensory friendly spot at their annual Trunk or Treat. Space was set up for practice trick or treating and a sensory trunk with glow sticks & bubbles. The event was a success! Special shout out to Dan Kelley who put lots of energy into this. Thank you for letting us be a part of this inclusive idea, EBE! If you are a school or community organization that is interested in having us set up a sensory space at your event, please reach out to comosepta@gmail.com – we love to make events accessible for the most people possible!

Last month, our meeting involved creating some of the goodies that were to go in our Party in a Box kits. Party in a Box is a program CoMO SEPTA started to make it easier for our district classrooms to have holiday parties as well. Each box comes loaded with the sorts of things “room parents” may handle in gen ed rooms – decorations, snacks, and activities that ensure a fun time for the students. We’re happy to say that we received a grant this year from Veterans United Foundation to create boxes for ALL of the district rooms. Celebration all around! And I don’t think we can properly say just how appreciated these boxes are by the staff and students.

And look what came in at the end of last week – the Kind Mind shirts! If you ordered yours shipped to us for local pickup, we’ll have them at our November meeting (Thurs 11/10, 11:30am, Aslin Building – 1818 W Worley). If you can’t make that meeting, give us an email at comosepta@gmail.com to arrange for alternate pickup.