Hello everyone! We hope you’re having fun and staying warm on this long Valentine weekend. If you’re looking for ideas of things to do, we’ve whipped up a couple activities for you!

First up, we challenge you to a scavenger hunt! Use this image, or download our Scavenger Hunt printable to carry with you. You can ask a family member to help you, or Zoom call a friend and show off your valentines-themed finds.

Once you’ve finished your hunt, you can settle in with our valentine-themed Would You Rather questions. Gather up some friends or family (video or phone calls work just fine!) and settle in for a fun game of choices. You can use the image above, download your own copy to print out, or just keep scrolling to read the questions.
Would you rather get a hug from an octopus or get a kiss from an anteater?
Would you rather have bright pink hair or have bright red eyes?
Would you rather be given a huge teddy bear or be given a huge box of chocolates?
Would you rather have a Valentine’s party or have no homework for a week?
Would you rather eat only red food all day or eat only white food all day?
Would you rather give people chocolate kisses or give people real hugs?
Would you rather go out to eat or eat candy all day?
Would you rather get a dozen donuts or get a dozen roses?
Would you rather have Twizzlers for hair or have jellybeans for teeth?