Hello everyone! The bustling holiday season has passed, January is here, and it’s time once again to see just who is in the SEPTA Spotlight! Our nomination this month comes from Tara A. who has been impressed by the steps toward inclusion shown by the music teacher at her son’s school. She had this to say about her nominee:
Mr. Vaughn recently made my day in making sure my son was included in the 5th grade music extravaganza! My son is in a self-contained, multi-grade classroom and I was so happy when he took the initiative to make sure our teacher knew about the music extravaganza and that my son was invited as he’s the only 5th grader in his room.
Not only that, but Tara reached out to her son’s main teacher to express her happiness, and that teacher had even more to say about what an asset Mr. Vaughn is to the students around him:
He says hi to all of my kiddos by name at lunch every time he’s on lunch duty.
He actively tries to engage the kiddos in his music class. Even if the content isn’t exactly their favorite.
He creates opportunities for relationship building between all students.
He encourages a kind and accepting environment in his classroom!
For these reasons we would love to recognize Mr. Vaughn!
It certainly looks like all the students at Eliot Battle Elementary are lucky to have Mr. Brian Vaughn in their school. Keep up the amazing work, Mr. Vaughn! Your kindness, thoughtfulness, and spirit of inclusion are making a big difference in the lives of the young ones you teach.
If you know of a staff member who is going above and beyond, let us know so we can give them the recognition they deserve. Visit our SEPTA Spotlight page to fill out our online submission for. Just as a reminder, all of our nominees will be automatically entered into the end-of-year SEPTA awards in May. Let’s let these educators and other staff members know how appreciated they are!