Hello everyone! November is here, and it’s time once again to see just who is in the SEPTA Spotlight! Our nomination this month comes from Jodie L. who has been so impressed with her granddaughter’s teacher. Here’s what she had to say about her nominee:
“Ms. Luna always returns my calls or emails, when time permits. She obviously cares about the education and well-being of her students, my granddaughter being one. She appreciates knowing about changes occurring in her life outside of school, and sharing any changes in her behavior or achievements at school. Toward the end of the last school year, Jennifer shared information from an article she had read about medications affecting girls/women differently during their cycles, which she thought could possibly account for some behavioral changes. She has also worked a bit with my granddaughter on hygiene issues, which is needed, and I have noticed recent changes in [my granddaughter]’s attention to some related activities such as brushing her hair. Additionally, Ms. Luna will sometimes contact me directly about accompanying [her] on an upcoming field trip, so she doesn’t miss out on the experience. We will miss her next year when [my granddaughter] starts middle school!“
This is fantastic! Teachers can affect their students lives so deeply, and taking the time to really individualize interactions with students and their families just makes all the difference in the world. Ms. Luna was kind enough to answer a few questions for us so without further ado, we shine the SEPTA Spotlight on Alpha Hart’s Ms. Luna!
How long have you worked with students?
I have worked with special education students in the CPS district for the past 22 years.
What’s your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part of my job is figuring out what thinking shortages and behavioral lags students have that prevent them from being successfully in the school environment (and often home as well), then systematically teaching them replacement skills until they are able to negotiate their day successfully.
When you’re not at school, what do you enjoy doing?
I enjoy mountain climbing, camping, hiking, vegetable and flower gardening, sewing, and generally being an urban homesteader.
Is there a quote or saying you live your life by?
The saying I live by is a wee bit long but I aspire to it everyday:
May I offer my care and presence knowing they may be met with gratitude, anger, or indifference.
May I find the inner resources to truly be able to give.
May I remain in peace and let go of expectations.
May I offer love, knowing I can’t control the course of life, suffering, or doubt.
I care about your pain, yet cannot control it.
I wish you happiness and peace, but cannot make your choices for you.
May I see my limits compassionately, just as I view the limitations of others.
–Sangye Khadro
A huge thanks to Ms. Luna, for being an amazing role model for our students!
If you know of a staff member who is going above and beyond, let us know so we can give them the recognition they deserve. Visit our SEPTA Spotlight page to fill out our online submission for.